lunedì 30 marzo 2015

LE PALME - Armando Carruba -

To preserve the serenity marital and family lineage, the palms blessed on the Sunday before Easter, are asked to capizzu that is on the edge of the bed or attached near naca dde 'Picciriddi and this is thanks to the almost miraculous properties attributed to them by the folk traditions.
Palm trees have taken many symbolic meanings. In social relations, for example, offer a palm tree was to consolidate ties of neighborliness, to express gestures of solidarity, desire for reconciliation and even ... amorous declarations! A pamma dda 'zita (the palm of his girlfriend) was indeed the gift that the suitor was usually sent to the girl he wanted ... wed!
Beyond its symbolic meanings, the palm is still a fine product of plot.
The palms used during the Easter liturgy are carefully prepared by pammari.
The preparation and 'to vinnita dde' pammi 'ntrizzati, is still the preserve of the laborers, peasants and basket weavers.
The expression Farisi 'the pammi indicated generally, the right to harvest that the owner of the millstone granted in exchange for the operation of rimunna (pruning) of dry leaves.
Ppi Tirari 'pammi must obtain the long stairs and all the tools that were used ppi spartiri' the sbitti, ie open the fan leaves and deprive them of the filaments dry.
In performing these tasks, each parmaru knows that is the palm tree which commands ... that are the size and texture of the leaves that suggest how to use the palm itself.
Travagghiari na pamma to specchiu means respecting a symmetry according to which each figure on the left side of the branch should be played the same on the right side.
The types of plot are various: 'to trizza to pettu goose,' u vureddu 'the lupu etc.
So intertwined palms, in many countries of Sicily, are still proudly displayed in the hands of giant papier-mâché statues which Sampauluna of
S. Cataldo in prov. Caltanissetta that, on Easter Sunday, attend the meeting between Christ and the Virgin Mary in the village square.
We find also the palms on votive altars along with breads and other traditional sweets.
About Easter cakes do not forget the delicious and famous cassatelle very well known ones Ferla prov. Syracuse and said: Cu n'appi n'appi 'the cassateddi' the Easter! reminiscent of the custom to distribute to all, on Easter day, these traditional sweets that were snapped up! ..

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